From the Vice Provost for Academic Personnel
UC Merced
's Academic Personnel Office (APO) oversees all personnel processes for academic appointees, especially recruitment, advancement, leaves, and retention. We ensure that such processes align with
University of California policies, and update policies as needed.
APO supports the successes of UC Merced’s academic appointees, especially in their contributions to research, teaching, service, as well as in diversity, equity, and inclusion. As part of this, we host
events for faculty that focus on opportunities for professional advancement, preparing for tenure review, addressing conflict and climate issues, and best practices in leadership, for instance, for department chairs. We work closely with deans, department chairs, the
Provost, as well as other campus leaders, and the
Academic Senate on AP matters.
We also help manage matters of faculty conduct, conflict, and compliance, with other offices, including the
CARE Office. Please see our
mission statement and
main goals and objectives. Our office also does basic research on various facets of AP actions and academic life, motivated by an interest in identifying gaps and improving efficiency.