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Misconduct Disclosure Requirements

Modifications to UC Merced Academic Personnel Hiring Processes,

Under SB 791 and AB 810

Issued December 16, 2024


Recent California legislation (SB 791 and AB 810) requires misconduct disclosures, and in some cases outreach to prior employers, when hiring academic appointees. This legislation and its implementation by the University of California aims to improve the climate and safety of all UC campuses.

In response to this legislation, the University of California now mandates that:

  • All proposed academic hires are required to disclose misconduct information, including any final administrative or judicial decisions issued within the last seven years determining that the proposed hire committed misconduct.
  • For all proposed Senate faculty appointments, the hiring campus must make reasonable attempts to obtain information from previous employers about substantiated violations of conduct policies.

Effective January 1, 2025, all academic hiring must follow the modified position-appropriate procedures detailed below. Note that recruitments opened before January 1, 2025, should continue under the prior (unmodified) procedures.


Modifications to Hiring Processes

Senate Faculty Hiring (Professor and Teaching Professor series)

Academic Student Employee (Graduate Students only) and Graduate Student Researcher Hiring

Faculty Administrator Hiring

All other academic hiring 


Additional Information/Resources

For School/Academic Unit Processors, please use Qualtrics Contacts Template. Please use the following naming convention of these spreadsheets: Name of Academic Hiring Unit and date (e.g. SSHA/POLI_2/14/25).  This template can be populated with as many searches that result in a final candidate within the same business day.

Modifications to academic hiring process under SB 791 and AB 810 email notification from Vice Provost Tom Hansford.

New Misconduct Disclosure Processes for Academic Units SB 791 and AB 810

For additional information, please see our Misconduct Disclosure Requirements for Proposed Hires FAQs.

Questions can be directed to