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GLAAS Workgroup

GLAAS Workgroup

The GLAAS Workgroup meets on a monthly basis.  The Workgroup is a dedicated team of front line users of GLAAS who are able to identify and prioritize a list of enhancements and issues to bring forth to the Governance Board.  A list of Workgroup members are listed below.

School of Natural Sciences

Natalie Hibdon

School of Engineering

Vanessa Leyva
Tomiko Hale
Will Lee Ladouceur
Jamie Knutson

School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts

Monica Garcia
Sandra Mora

Payroll Services

Andrea McDowell

Sponsored Projects - Research Administration


Graduate Division


Division of Undergraduate Education


Academic Personnel Office

Liz Soria
Kim Yanogacio

Office of Information Technology - GLAAS Tech

Raj Panneer Selvam
Roger Borges
Mohammad Zaidi
Matthew Faulkner

Meeting Details

Next GLAAS Workgroup: January 2022