Unit 18 Lecturers
Non-Senate faculty unit 18 Lecturers provide instructional services to the campus. Appointees have full or partial responsibility for the instruction of approved regular University courses for campus credit. They may also perform other types of instruction-related work. Non-Senate faculty members are represented by the American Federation of Teachers, and all terms of employment and policies regarding the Lecturer series are governed by the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for the Lecturers Unit (IX).
Appointees are not expected to engage in research, are not members of the Academic Senate, and may not be enrolled as a student on any UC campus. They are key members of the educational community at UC Merced.
To be considered for appointment, or "reappointment," candidates must submit an application, with required materials, through AP Recruit. The recruitment process provides the information and materials needed to assess each candidate for a non-senate faculty appointment.
Pre-Six Lecturer
During the first 12 semesters (or six years) of a Lecturer's service to the same Unit at UC Merced, he or she is known as a "pre-six Lecturer." Appointments are temporary and are normally made for one year or less, but may be for a period of up to two years. An appointment of any percentage time during the academic year counts towards the 12 semesters of service credit. Summer Session and without-salary appointments do not count toward service credit.
Continuing Lecturer
Continuing appointments are granted to some Lecturers after 12 semesters (or six years) of service to the same Unit at UC Merced. If there is an instruction need for their continued services, candidates must undergo an Excellence Review and be found to meet the excellence standard required for an appointment to a Continuing Appointment.
Detailed information is available at:
Chapter 3 Section 10 of the MAPP
Non-Academic Senate Instructional Unit Contract
Supplemental School Information