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July 2024

Change in APO Work Areas in Support of ORUs and ORED

Effective July 1, 2024, job actions for Academic Researchers and Other Academic Titles should be submitted to the following Senior/ Academic Personnel Analyst(s)-

Pam Moody


Nordene Smith-Hayles


Jessica Salas-Mendonca


Health Science Research Institute (HSRI)

Valley Institute for Sustainability, Technology & Agriculture (VISTA)

Office of Research and Economic Development  (ORED)


Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society (CITRIS)

Community Labor Center  (CLC)                                     
  Sierra Nevada Research Institute (SNRI)  

Christine Lima will continue to take the lead on all postdoc job actions in the ORUs and ORED.

Systemwide Policy Updates

Academic Personnel Policy Issuance: APM - 710

Issued May 31, 2024, by Provost and Executive Vice President Katherine S. Newman, revised Academic Personnel Manual (APM) Section 710, Leaves of Absence/Paid Sick Leave/Paid Medical Leave, is effective January 1, 2025. For reference, the issuance letter and revised policy can also be found on the Academic Personnel and Programs website.

Key Policy Revisions

  • Expands eligibility for paid sick leave accruals or a paid sick leave bank to certain policy covered academic appointees, including ensuring that all part-time academic appointees have access to paid sick leave;
  • Expands the reasons for which an academic appointee may use paid sick leave;
  • Provides protected paid sick leave, meaning that the academic appointee is entitled to take the leave for a qualifying reason;
  • Provides paid medical leave to Agronomists, Astronomers, and Curators who have a fulltime appointment for at least a full academic year;
  • Extends the period during which paid sick leave may be reinstated if an appointee is reemployed after a separation from employment;
  • Updated the policy title to clarify that the policy applies to paid sick leave.

Faculty Acceptances, Faculty Separations and Updating the Senate Faculty Tracking Sheet

Faculty Acceptances

  • School Academic Personnel Leads are to send a copy of signed offer letter to Esmeralda Martinez, Jessica Salas-Mendonça (for APO systems updates) and their APO Senior Analyst
  • Include a copy of the new faculty’s current CV or provide a Box link where the corresponding CV may be located
  • Update the Current Senate Faculty Tracking Sheet: Two tabs need to be updated, ‘New Faculty’ and “Searches underway’

Faculty Separations

  • School Academic Personnel Leads are to notify Esmeralda Martinez, Jessica Salas-Mendonça (for APO systems updates) and their APO Senior Analyst of any confirmed faculty separations
  • Include a copy of the resignation notification provided by faculty as acknowledged by the dean
  • Update the Current Senate Faculty Tracking Sheet: One tab needs to be updated, ‘Confirmed Departures’

Postdoctoral Scholar Childcare Reimbursement Program

This program became effective October 1, 2023. Details about the program are at this link. For reimbursement requests to be accepted and processed, the receipts and UBEN-255 form will need to be emailed to by the posted deadlines, the next deadline has highlighted below:

Dates Expenses Occurred: Submission Deadline:
October 1-December 31 January 31
January 1-March 31 April 30
April 1-June 30 July 31
July 1-September 30 October 31







Updated Template: Unit 18 Pre-Six Layoff Notice

Please see the updated Unit 18 Pre-Six Layoff Notice with a Department signature block added, available in BOX. Kindly ensure that all layoff notices include the appropriate Department signature.

End Dates Reports

To ensure upcoming job actions are managed in a timely manner, APO highly encourages schools/ departments to run weekly end dates reports via UCPath Cognos. APO has created the following resource to assist the schools and departments in the process of running end dates reports: How to Run End Dates Report in Cognos.

Late GSR Submissions

Given the number of late GSR summer appointment submissions, Graduate Division has advised that the schools will need to notify graduate students that have been impacted with a message about when they can expect to receive their paycheck. This process should be followed going forward. Schools/Departments may run a UCPath Cognos DOPE (Distribution of Payroll Expense) report to compare what you expected the employee to receive for the pay cycle, against what was submitted for processing. Academic Payroll Services has the following Job Aid resource on understanding the DOPE report.

Timely Onboarding

APO has noticed that we have had to calculate numerous additional pays across all schools due to academic appointees not completing their intake paperwork on or before their appointment start date. As a friendly reminder, schools must confirm completion of new hire intake paperwork. The documents that fulfill the requirements of employment are completed with Payroll Services on or before the first day of employment. Please note, an individual is not authorized to perform services for the University until completion of the hire (or re-hire) documents.

Archived Annoucements