February 2025
New Misconduct Disclosure Processes for Academic Units (SB 791 and AB 810)
As noted in VP Hansford's "Modifications to Academic Hiring Processes, Under SB 791 and AB 810" notification, recent California legislation (SB 791 and AB 810) requires misconduct disclosures and in some cases outreach to prior employers, when hiring academic appointees.
For hires made via AP Recruit, the Authorization of Information Release will become one of our required application materials. For hires made outside of AP Recruit, Academic Hiring Units should utilize the same process as all other academic appointments. Hiring Units should provide information for candidates being hired via Waiver or Exemption, using the Qualtrics Contacts Template excel sheet and marking "Yes" in the "RecruitWaiver" column. APO will send these candidates a survey that includes both the Authorization Release Form and the Misconduct Disclosure Form.
Finalists (i.e., proposed hires) will need to complete an Employee Misconduct Disclosure Form before appointments may proceed. While this process will be coordinated by APO staff using Qualtrics, Academic Hiring Units will need to complete the AP Background Check Request. This form will include required information on the job search finalist. For all senate faculty hires (and for other academic hires when misconduct information is reported on the Disclosure Form), APO will make a “reasonable attempt” to obtain information from the previous/current employers about misconduct. APO will follow up with previous/current employers 5 business days after initial outreach and in most cases will move on with hiring eligibility decision following no response for 5 business additional days.
Please refer to APO's new "Misconduct Disclosure Requirements" webpage which includes this information, as well as the four Modifications to Hiring Processes based on title type.
Change in APO Work Areas in Support of GLAAS Actions
Effective February 3, 2025, GLAAS job actions for ASE/GSR/Unit 18 Lecturers should be submitted to the following Academic Personnel Analyst-
- Christine Lima will transition to support SOE job actions
- Julie Rolfe will transition to support SNS job actions
- Kim Yanogacio will continue to support job actions for: SSHA, MWP, SNS-ILA, Division of Undergraduate Education (DUE), UROC Grad Fellow, Graduate Division GSR, Teacher Special Program- Center of Educational Partnership (TSP-CEP), Living Learning Center (LLC) House Fellows, EJIE GSRs and any other ASE/GSR/U18 outside of SNS and SOE.
New Resource: Intercampus MLA/OTP Guide
We are pleased to announce the following new resource: Intercampus MLA/OTP Guide. This guide is available on the APO website under the “Forms” tab. As a reminder, all work for which appointments and/or payments are going to be made must be authorized by the Academic Personnel Office in advance of completion of any work.
Additional Compensation for Senate Faculty
As a reminder, additional compensation for Senate Faculty for work performed at UC Merced is not allowed unless it is associated with a separate faculty administrative appointment.
GLAAS: Workflow Change to CCOA Correction
After careful consideration, and thoughtful discussion between the Graduate Student Appointment and Pay Workgroup, APO is pleased to announce a workflow change to the Common Charts of Account (CCOA) corrections in GLAAS.
Effective immediately, school processors are no longer required to move previously generated Academic Student Employees (ASEs), Graduate Student Researchers (GSRs) and Unit 18 Faculty to in-progress in GLASS to update or correct the CCOAs.
The school/unit that manages the CCOA will need to submit the Fund Change for prospective change to funding and/or Direct Retro to request re-alignment of wages that been posted to the ledger for academic appointments.
Once the Fund Change and/or Direct Retro requests have been submitted to Payroll Services for processing, the CCOA change will be posted in UCPath and reflected in the R-268 Distribution of Payroll Expenses (DOPE) report.
Updated Letter Template: ASE, GSR, U18
The GLAAS Appointment/Reappointment Letter Templates for ASE, GSR and U18 have been updated and are now available in Box:
- School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts
- Merritt Writing Program
- School of Natural Sciences
- School of Engineering
- Division of Undergraduate Education
- Graduate Division
Postdoc Anniversary Date
Friendly reminder to check Postdoc Anniversary dates regularly.
Postdocs on an initial two-year appointment will have an anniversary date 12-months from the start date (or their initial start date as a transfer). As the postdoc approaches their 10th month, the PI will need to determine if the “release” portion of the contract will be used; if not, the unit or school staff will need to submit a Postdoc Anniversary Form to payroll to change the anniversary date to 24-months after the start date. Postdocs get 24-days of PTO for the first 12-months of the appointment. When the anniversary date is reset, this triggers UCPath to remove any remining PTO and a new 24-days of PTO. A new 12-days of sick leave will also be added.
Systemwide Policy Updates
Academic Personnel Policy Issuance: Revised APM - 240, 246, 700, 711, 715, 730, 759, 760
Issued December 19, 2024, by UC System Provost and Executive Vice President Katherine S. Newman, the following revised Academic Personnel Manual (APM) Sections are effective January 1, 2025:
- APM - 240, Deans
- APM - 246, Faculty Administrators, (100% Time)
- APM - 700, Leaves of Absence/General
- APM - 711, Reasonable Accommodation for Academic Appointees with Disabilities
- APM - 715, Leaves of Absence/Family and Medical Leave
- APM - 730, Leaves of Absence/Vacation
- APM - 759, Leaves of Absence/Other Leaves Without Pay
- APM - 760, Family Accommodations for Childbearing and Childrearing
For reference, the revised policies can be found on the Systemwide Academic Personnel Policy Issuances webpage.
- Technical revisions to APM - 240, Deans, to incorporate revisions previously made to APM-710, update names of APM - 025 and APM - 758, and to clarify that affirmative action plans apply to employment;
- Technical revisions to APM - 246, Faculty Administrators (100% Time), to incorporate revisions previously made to APM - 710 and to update the name of APM - 025;
- Technical revisions to APM - 700, Leaves of Absence/General, to update names of Regents Policy 7303, APM - 710, and APM - 758;
- Technical revisions to APM - 711, Reasonable Accommodation for Academic Appointees with Disabilities; to update the names of APM - 710, APM - 758, and the reference to APM - 760, and clarifying revisions to align with legal requirements and University practice;
- Technical revisions to APM - 715, Leaves of Absence/Family and Medical Leave, to incorporate revisions previously made to APM - 710;
- Technical revisions to APM - 730, Leaves of Absence/Vacation, to clarify vacation accrual and use during a curtailment leave and to change “Memorandum of Understanding” to “Collective Bargaining Agreement;”
- Technical revisions to APM - 759, Leaves of Absence/Other Leaves Without Pay, to update the name of APM - 710;
- Technical revisions to APM - 760, Family Accommodations for Childbearing and Childrearing, to incorporate revisions previously made to APM - 710, clarify eligibility for parental bonding leave as family and medical leave is up to twelve workweeks in a calendar year, and to comply with legal requirements regarding accommodations related to pregnancy, childbirth, and related medical conditions; and
- Technical revisions to APM - 730, Leaves of Absence/Vacation, and APM-760, Family Accommodations for Childbearing and Childrearing, to change “Memorandum of Understanding” to “Collective Bargaining Agreement.”
Academic Personnel Policy Issuance: Revised APM - 205, Recall for Academic Appointees
Issued January 10, 2025, by UC System Provost and Executive Vice President Katherine S. Newman, revised Academic Personnel Manual (APM) Section 205, Recall for Academic Appointees, is effective immediately. For reference, the revised policy can be found on the Systemwide Academic Personnel Policy Issuances webpage.
Key Policy Revisions
- Revision to modify recall appointment eligibility language to include retired academic appointees in the Savings Choice plan who separated via retirement.
- Revision to update benefits eligibility language.
Academic Personnel Policy Issuance: Revised APM - 235, Acting Appointments
Issued January 17, 2025, by UC System Provost and Executive Vice President Katherine S. Newman, revised Academic Personnel Manual (APM) Section 235, Acting Appointments, is effective immediately. For reference, the revised policy can be found on the Systemwide Academic Personnel Policy Issuances webpage.
Key Policy Revisions
- Removal of bullet “b” from APM - 235-25 to ensure consistent application of the acting title and to clarify when an appointee in an acting professor or acting professor of teaching title can be transferred to a regular professorial or professor of teaching appointment.
- Revisions to references to the Professor of Teaching series and titles included in the series.