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Delegation of Authority

The following chart outlines specific delegations to the department chairs, deans, Vice Chancellor for Research (ORUs), University Librarian (Library), and Associate Vice Provost. The Dean/Vice Chancellor for Research authorities may only be re-delegated to an associate dean or equivalent with prior approval from the Vice Provost for Academic Personnel. As an exception to normal delegation requirements, the dean may request from the Vice Provost to delegate the authority for Academic Student Employee recruitments, appointments and leaves of absence to the department chair with oversight provided by school staff. Those authorities that may not be re-delegated to an associate dean or equivalent are marked with an asterisk and notated.


When deans are considering re-delegation to associate deans, every attempt should be made for the approver of the Shortlist Report to be different from the hiring authority (appointment approver). As a best practice, the hiring authority, or potential hiring authority, should not be the approver of the Shortlist Report.


The Vice Provost for Academic Personnel retains approval authority for all exceptions to academic personnel policies. Requests for exceptions must route through the appropriate department chair and/or dean prior to submission to the Vice Provost's Office.


This chart was established from the following delegations: 

Also, please note the Associate Vice Provost for the Faculty is delegated authority for:

  • Designee for SVSH, abusive conduct/bullying and other complaint or investigation related activities
  • Waiver of degree requirement for teaching appointments
  • Designee for over 100% FTE appointments






Search Plan - Senate




Search Plan - Non-Senate - Schools and Office of Research


Dean/Vice Chancellor for Research


Search Plan - Non-Senate - Library


Unit Director (Assoc Univ Librarian)


Applicant Pool Report - Senate




Applicant Pool Report - Non-Senate - Schools and Office of Research


Dean/Vice Chancellor for Research


Applicant Pool Report - Non-Senate - Library


Unit Director (Assoc Univ Librarian)


Shortlist Report - Senate


Associate Vice Provost


Shortlist Report – Non-Senate - Schools and Office of Research


Dean/Vice Chancellor for Research


Shortlist Report – Non-Senate - Library


Unit Director (Assoc Univ Librarian)


Search Report - Senate




Search Report - Non-Senate - Schools and Office of Research


Dean/Vice Chancellor for Research


Search Report - Non-Senate - Library



Unit Director (Assoc Univ Librarian)


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Search Waivers - Senate


Spousal/Partner Hire


Vice Provost for Academic Personnel


Target of Excellence


Vice Provost for Academic Personnel


President’s and Chancellors’ Postdoctoral Fellowship Recipients


Vice Provost for Academic Personnel





Vice Provost for Academic Personnel


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Search Waivers - Non-Senate/Other Academics


Emergency Hire - Unit 18


Associate Vice Provost


Emergency Hire - All other Non-Senate/Other Academics


Vice Provost for Academic Personnel


Urgent Patient Care Need


Vice Provost for Academic Personnel


Spousal/ Partner Hire--main hire must be a Senate member or in a senior leadership position (e.g., faculty administrator or SMG)


Vice Provost for Academic Personnel


Continuation of Training


Vice Provost for Academic Personnel


PI/Co-PI/Leadership Status


Vice Provost for Academic Personnel


Research Team


Vice Provost for Academic Personnel


Multiple Affiliated Employers


Vice Provost for Academic Personnel





Vice Provost for Academic Personnel


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Exempt Hires


Category 1: Non-salaried (0% time) and Without Salary (WOS) Appointments


Dean/Vice Chancellor for Research


Category 2: Salaried Visiting Appointments


Dean/Vice Chancellor for Research


Category 3: Recall Appointments for Retired Academics


Dean/Vice Chancellor for Research


Category 4: Concurrent Academic Appointment


Follow appropriate appointment delegation


Category 5: Faculty Administrator Titles at Less Than 100% and Interim/Acting Positions


Follow normal faculty administrator appt process


Category 6: Lecturer in Summer Session


Follow normal summer sessions hiring process


Category 7: Postdoctoral Scholars (Employee, Fellow, Paid Direct)


Dean/Vice Chancellor for Research


Category 8: Internal Hires (Change in Series/Title)


Vice Provost for Academic Personnel





Vice Provost for Academic Personnel


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Assistant Professor, Steps I-III, including Acting; Assistant Teaching Professor, Steps I-III (LPSOE); including Acting; Assistant Agronomist, Steps I-III




Assistant Professor, Steps IV-VI;
Assistant Teaching Professor, Steps IV-VI (LPSOE);
Acting in these series; Assistant Agronomist, Steps IV-VI


Vice Provost for Academic Personnel


Associate/Full Professor, including Acting;
Associate/Full Teaching Professor (LSOE/Sr. LSOE), including Acting; Associate/Full Agronomist




Assistant Adjunct Professor, Steps I-III




Assistant Adjunct Professor, Steps IV-VI


Vice Provost for Academic Personnel


Associate/Full Adjunct Professor


Vice Provost for Academic Personnel


Visiting Professor/ Visiting Professor Mathematics




Assistant Professional Research, Steps I-III


Dean/Vice Chancellor for Research


Assistant Professional Research, Steps IV-VI
Associate/Full Professional Research


Vice Provost for Academic Personnel


Project Scientist


Dean/Vice Chancellor for Research




Dean/Vice Chancellor for Research


Continuing Educator




Academic Coordinator


Dean/Vice Chancellor for Research


Academic Administrator I-III


Dean/Vice Chancellor for Research


Academic Administrator IV-VII


Vice Provost for Academic Personnel




University Librarian


Assistant/Associate University Librarian


Vice Provost for Academic Personnel


University Extension Teacher




Postdoctoral Scholar


Dean/Vice Chancellor for Research


Academic Student Employee (TA, Teaching Fellow, Reader, Tutor)




Graduate Student Researchers (GSR)


GSR's Principal Investigator (PI)


School Directors




Coordinator of Public Programs


Dean/Vice Chancellor for Research


ORU Directors



Vice Chancellor for Research


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Unit 18






Pre-six Assessment




Pre-six Academic Review




Excellence Review


Associate Vice Provost


Continuing Lecturer Merit Reviews, except acceleration or denial


Associate Vice Provost


Continuing Lecturer Merit Review, acceleration or denial


Associate Vice Provost


Promotion to Sr. Continuing Lecturer


Associate Vice Provost


Sr. Continuing Merit Review



Associate Vice Provost


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Agronomist, Professor and Teaching Professor (LSOE), short form*




Full Agronomist, Full Professor and Full Teaching Professor (LSOE), Step VI and A/S




Agronomist, Professor and Teaching Professor (LSOE), all other merits


Vice Provost for Academic Personnel


Adjunct Professor, accelerations, Step VI and Above Scale


Vice Provost for Academic Personnel


Adjunct Professor, all other merits




Professional Research, accelerations, Step VI and Above Scale


Vice Provost for Academic Personnel


Professional Research, all other merits


Dean/Vice Chancellor for Research


Project Scientist, accelerations and Above Scale


Vice Provost for Academic Personnel


Project Scientist, all other merits


Dean/Vice Chancellor for Research


Specialist, accelerations and Above Scale


Vice Provost for Academic Personnel


Specialist, all other merits


Dean/Vice Chancellor for Research


Continuing Educator, accelerations and Above Scale


Vice Provost for Academic Personnel


Continuing Educator, all other merits




Academic Coordinator, accelerations and Above Scale


Vice Provost for Academic Personnel


Academic Coordinator, all other merits


Dean/Vice Chancellor for Research


Academic Administrator, accelerations and Above Scale


Vice Provost for Academic Personnel


Academic Administrator, all other merits


Dean/Vice Chancellor for Research




University Librarian


Assistant/Associate University Librarian


Vice Provost for Academic Personnel


Coordinator of Public Programs, accelerations and Above Scale


Vice Provost for Academic Personnel


Coordinator of Public Programs, all other merits


Dean/Vice Chancellor for Research


*Short form cases are normally expected to be routine, uncomplicated one-step merit reviews. If, however, there is a case in which the unit’s faculty and the School Dean disagree on the proposed action, the case will be forwarded to CAP for another level of review and recommendation to the Vice Provost for Academic Personnel for decision.


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Mid-Career Appraisal


Agronomist, Professor and Teaching Professor (LSOE series), Adjunct Professor



Vice Provost for Academic Personnel


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Other Reviews


All career equity reviews


Vice Provost for Academic Personnel


Quinquennial review (five-year review)


Vice Provost for Academic Personnel


Performance Improvement Plans (PIP)


Vice Provost for Academic Personnel


Vice chair appointment/ reappointment/ five-year review


Department Chair


Vice chair termination




Department chair appointment/ reappointment/ five-year review/ termination




Endowed chair appointment/ reappointment/ five-year review/ termination




*Dean authority may not be redelegated. Termination of a department chair prior to the end of their term requires consultation with the EVC/Provost.


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Agronomist, Professor and Teaching Professor (LSOE series)




Adjunct Professor


Vice Provost for Academic Personnel


Professional Research


Vice Provost for Academic Personnel


Project Scientist


Vice Provost for Academic Personnel




Vice Provost for Academic Personnel


Academic Administrator


Vice Provost for Academic Personnel




Vice Provost for Academic Personnel


Assistant/Associate University Librarian (career status)


Vice Provost for Academic Personnel


Coordinator of Public Programs


Vice Provost for Academic Personnel


*The Chancellor retains authority to determine if an assistant professor will not be reappointed.


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Leaves of Absence


APM 710, Sick Leave/Medical Leave


Dean/Vice Chancellor for Research/University Librarian


APM 711, Reasonable Accommodation for Academic Appointees with Disabilities


Dean/Vice Chancellor for Research/University Librarian


APM 715, Leave of Absence/Family and Medical Leave


Dean/Vice Chancellor for Research/University Librarian


APM 730, Leave of Absence/Vacation


Dean/Vice Chancellor for Research/University Librarian


APM 740, Leave of Absence/Sabbatical Leaves




APM 750, Leave of Absence/Leave for Service to Governmental Agencies


Vice Provost for Academic Personnel


APM 751, Leave of Absence/Military Leave


Dean/Vice Chancellor for Research/University Librarian


APM 752, Leaves of Absence/Leave to Attend Professional Meeting, 7 days or


Department Chair/Vice Chancellor for Research/University Librarian


APM 752, Leaves of Absence/Leave to Attend Professional Meeting, greater than 7 days


Dean/Vice Provost for Academic Personnel


APM 758, Leave of Absence/Other Leaves with Pay


Vice Provost for Academic Personnel


APM 759, Leave of Absence/Other Leaves without Pay


Vice Provost for Academic Personnel


APM 760, Family Accommodations for Childbearing and Childrearing


Dean/Vice Chancellor for Research/University Librarian


The Academic Personnel Office will continue to review all leave and accommodation request to assure that they are consistent with University policies.


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Protected Research Time


Course buyouts





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Summer Salary


Non-Senate faculty Summer Teaching




Senate Summer Teaching





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Relocation Expenses


APM 550, 560, 561 and BFB G-13, Authority to authorize payment/exceptions of removal and moving expenses for academic appointees


Dean, unless retained by the Provost (see Academic Relocation and House Hunting Guidelines)


Faculty Recruitment Allowance (APM 190, Appendix E)





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One-time Payments


Multi-location one-time payments


Dean/Academic Personnel Office


Campus one-time payments


Dean/Academic Personnel Office


Note: Engagement in the activity requires dean pre-approval. Forms require final approval by Academic Personnel Office staff.


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Multi-location Appointments


Multi-location appointments



Follow appropriate appointment delegation


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Outside Professional Activities


Annual Certification




Student Involvement




Category 1 Prior Approval


Associate Vice Provost


Requests to exceed the maximum number of days


Vice Provost for Academic Personnel


*Dean authority may not be re-delegated.


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