Don't have time to post your advertisements?Visit the Job Elephant Customer PortalUniversity of California Merced is partnering with JobElephant to simplify and expedite your recruitment advertising by placing your ads in any publication in the world. Jobelephant advertises with 20,000+ media sources. Online and in print. Anywhere you want to place an ad. Potential Candidates for Faculty AppointmentsBlack Collegian provides various recruitment options for members and non-members. The Faculty for the Future Project is administered by WEPAN (The Women in Engineering Program and Advocates Network), and offers a free forum for jobseekers to post resumes and search for positions and for employers to post positions and search for candidates. The website focuses on linking women and candidates from underrepresented groups to engineering, science, and business with faculty and research positions at universities. Currently there is no cost for accessing the resume database. The Directory of Ford Fellows contains information on Ford Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship recipients awarded since 1980 and for Foundation Predoctoral and Dissertation fellowship recipients awarded since 1986. The database can be sorted award year, field of study, current institution, current state or last name. Access to this database is free. the higher education recruitment consortium is a nonprofit organization that provides the largest higher education job board including many diversity resources. is dedicated to providing career and self-development information to jobseekers. It maintains a large database of available jobs, candidate resumes and information on workplace diversity. Latinos in Higher Ed is the first Latino professional employment website designed specifically for the higher education community, and helps employers connect with the largest pool of Latino professionals in higher education in the United States, Puerto Rico and internationally by disseminating employment opportunities to registered candidates and a national network of Latino-serving organizations and listservs. is a new and low-cost recruiting source for all higher education jobs with significant participation by women and candidates from underrepresented groups. The UC Presidential Post Doctoral Fellowship Program started in 1984, the President’s Postdoctoral Fellowship Program offers postdoctoral fellowships which support the conduct of research and mentoring. The expectation is that many of the Fellows will be seriously considered for faculty appointments at UC. Access to this list is free. Women in Higher Education is a journal for women in academia, dedicated to exploring how gender affects success. They will post faculty and administrative job ads. Websites and PublicationsThe American Association of University Women (AAUW) Founded in 1881, AAUW promotes equity for all women and girls, lifelong education, and positive social change. With a circulation of approximately 100,000, the primary publication AAUW Outlook reaches the predominantly female membership, as well as government offices, coalition partners, major academic and research institutions, corporations, foundations, and other associations. It is a biannual publication. The website also accepts submissions on a monthly basis to run online only. Click here for more information on advertising. Association for Women in Science (AWIS) promotes the entrance and advancement of women in science careers, AWIS has a long-standing commitment to fostering the careers of women science professionals. At both the national and local levels, AWIS has organized leadership conferences, developed mentoring programs, and facilitated networking between women in all fields and at all levels. Click here for more information on advertising. INSIGHT Into Diversity (formerly the Affirmative Action Register) is a 35-year-old national magazine and a premier source of information for one million readers monthly seeking in-depth news, reports and commentary on issues surrounding all aspects of diversity and inclusion. Highly regarded for its extensive career opportunity listings, INSIGHT Into Diversity continues to successfully connect employers to the most highly qualified individuals regardless of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, gender identity or expression, or sexual orientation. Click here for more information on advertising. Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS) , established in 1973, the Society for Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS) strives to encourage Chicano/Latino and Native American students to pursue graduate education and obtain the advanced degrees necessary for science research, leadership, and teaching careers at all levels. SACNAS News is published three times a year, distributed to approximately 17,000 people, and rates vary based on ad length. Click here for more information about advertising. Inside Higher Ed is a an online professional journal that for higher education professionals. This site offerers dual career search service and has worldwide reach.
The Chronicle of Higher Education connects career minded faculty and administrators with the best jobs is higher education.