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Academic Student Employee and Graduate Student Researcher Childcare Reimbursement and Dependent Health Premium Benefit Programs

For UAW-Represented Student Employees- Childcare Reimbursement

University of California Academic Student Employees (ASE) and Graduate Student Researchers (GSR) represented by the United Auto Workers (UAW) are eligible for reimbursement of some childcare expenses through a program established in the ASE and GSR collective bargaining agreements between UC and the UAW. The program described in the document below is effective January 1, 2023.


Academic Student Employee and Graduate Student Researcher Childcare Reimbursement Program For UAW-represented Student Employees


UBEN-254 Academic Student Employee (ASE) and Graduate Student Researcher (GSR) Childcare Reimbursement Form


Completed UBEN-254 forms must be submitted once per semester for ASEs and GSRs to Reimbursement requests can be submitted for up to $2,100 per semester and must be received no later than 30 days after the end of each semester. Please include (a) receipt(s) for all requested expenses with the following: child(ren)’s name(s), period of coverage (start and end dates) and the date and amount paid for the dates being reimbursed. 

Dependent Health Premium Benefit Program

The University of California’s Graduate Student Researchers (GSRs or BR) and Academic Student Employees (ASEs or BX) represented by the United Auto Workers (UAW) are eligible for a remission for their child dependents through a program established in the BX and BR collective bargaining agreements between UC and the UAW.

Program Overview

GSRs and ASEs employed in a qualifying appointment(s) are eligible to receive 100% premium remission for child dependents enrolled in UCSHIP if the GSR/ASE’s income exceeds the designated Medi-Cal eligibility threshold as specified in the collective bargaining agreements.

If the GSR/ASE has a spouse, and the combination of their income places the GSR/ASE’s family over the designated Medi-Cal eligibility threshold then the GSR/ASE is not eligible for the child dependent premium remission.

The benefits described in this document follow the parties’ collective bargaining agreements (CBAs). The CBAs are the controlling documents, and this program overview is not meant to replace or contradict the language that is contained in the CBA or applicable University policy and is not a substitute for reviewing contract articles carefully. This program overview will be interpreted as consistent with the CBAs and, in the event of a conflict, the language of the CBAs or applicable policy will control.


For this program, eligibility is as follows:

1. The GSR/ASE is eligible to receive a health insurance premium remission under the CBAs through a GSR/ASE appointment, or through a combination of GSR and ASE appointments.

2. The GSR/ASE is a registered graduate student with GSR/ASE appointment(s) totaling 25% or more of full-time for a given term in a State-supported or Self-Supporting Program.

3. The GSR/ASE’s income exceeds the designated Medi-Cal eligibility threshold.

a. If the GSR/ASE has a spouse, and the combination of their income places the GSR/ASE’s family over the designated Medi-Cal eligibility threshold then the GSR/ASE is not eligible for the child dependent premium remission.

b. Information about Medi-Cal eligibility can be found here:

4. The GSR/ASE enrolls eligible child dependents in UCSHIP. Eligible child dependents are defined by UCSHIP plan regulations.

Procedures for Receiving Benefit

The GSR/ASE must follow the procedures for remission/reimbursement as defined by their specific location, which shall include submission of the BX/BR Child Dependent Health Premium Benefit Program Form and itemized receipts when submitting the request.

Child Dependent Health Premium Benefit Program