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Spring 2022 Events

New Faculty Informal Spring Check-in

Meeting with the VPAP, Senate Chair, Senate Vice Chair, and CAP Chair

January 27 at 12:15 pm

Department Chair Workshops


Informal Chat with the Provost

Special Guest: EVC/Provost Gregg Camfield

Tuesday, January 18 at Noon


The Chair’s Role in Supporting Student Success

Discussion led by VPDUE Sarah Frey

Wednesday, February 16 at Noon


Assessing DEI Contributions

Discussion led by panel: Ramesh Balasubramaniam (CAP Chair), Anita Bhappu (MCS Chair), Nestor Oviedo (MCB Co-Chair)

Tuesday, March 15th at Noon



Retaining Faculty

Discussion led by Teenie Matlock and Zulema Valdez

Friday, April 15 at Noon


On the Path to Tenure:  Self-Statement Writing Workshops


Writing Your First Merit Review Self-Statement

Thursday, March 3 at Noon


Writing Your MCA Self-Statement

Friday, April 1 at Noon


Writing Your Tenure Self-Statement

Wednesday, April 6 at Noon


General Self-Statement Q&A

Tuesday, April 19 at Noon

One Hour Leadership


Presented and facilitated by Dr. Gene Crumley, this series of monthly leadership discussions is for the entire campus community - faculty, staff and students are all welcome! Whether you’re a current leader, enjoy discussing leadership topics, or are just curious and want to learn more, you are welcome to join us.



Lessons from Tenerife: Decision Making Under Pressure

Friday, January 28 at Noon

Like all people, leaders often have to make decisions with incomplete, ambiguous, or even contradictory information. What happens when people, including leaders, have to make decisions under pressure, especially the pressure of time? We'll explore an example of a tragic decision, made under pressure, and ask the questions: Why did it happen? And what can we learn from this story that happened nearly 50 years ago that we can apply to our lives today?


The Paradox of Communication

Friday, February 11 at Noon

Sometimes communication is easy and effortless, and nobody misunderstands each other. And sometimes communication is incredibly difficult and everybody misunderstands each other! In this session we'll explore the paradox of communication (i.e., easy & difficult, simple & complex) and look for insights that might make us all a little better at communication.


Leadership Behaviors

Friday, March 18 at Noon

In the 1980s two researchers at Harvard, Mary Fontaine and Ruth Jacobs, asked a simple question, "What kinds ofbehaviors do leaders engage in?" Turns out what they learned is that leaders engage in lots of different types of behaviors. Nevertheless, Fontaine & Jacobs saw six distinct patterns of behavior that leaders engage in most of the time. And they developed some very interesting ideas, as a result of their investigations, which they suggested could explain why some leaders were more effective than others. Forty years later, could Fontaine & Jacobs still be right in their insights & conclusions? Join us on March 18 and find out...!



The Emotionally Intelligent Leader

Friday, April 22 at Noon

More than 20 years ago, a researcher at Yale (Peter Salovey) and a researcher at the University of New Hampshire (John Mayer) published a paper in a second-tier journal (Imagination, Cognition, and Personality) with the simple title, "Emotional Intelligence." What Salovey & Mayer were attempting to do is explain a phenomenon most of us have encountered in our lives: a really, really intelligent person makes a series of bad choices that profoundly effects their life outcomes; while another person, with average intelligence, makes a series of good choices that also profoundly effects their life outcomes.Why does that happen, Salovey & Mayer wondered, so often in life? Join us on April 22 and find out what they learned and how all of us might benefit...!



Why Character Still Matters

Friday, June 10 at Noon

More than 2,000 years ago, the Greek philosopher Heraclitus wrote, "Character is destiny." Is that still true today? Does a leader's character still matter in 2022? In this final session of 1-Hour Leadership, for the academic year 2021-2022, we'll ask what Heraclitus meant by 'character' and whether or not it still matters here in the 21st century. Join us for our last session of this academic year and find out...!



One Hour Leadership Resources:

Questions? Please email